Single-Day Series: Water Wheel (February 6th)

Single-Day Series: Water Wheel (February 6th)


I've heard it said that most of photography, especially landscape photography, comes down to f/8 and being there. I don’t know about the f/8 (this was taken at f/1.4, actually) but the be there part of the puzzle is real. For photography and most of life, honestly. At some point you realize that half the battle (and more than half of the win) is just showing up.

Which is basically how I got this picture. I showed up at Port Orleans Riverside a little before sunrise. And walked and walked and walked until I found this view. (Not the only picture I took that morning but one of my favorites for sure.)

Shot at 50mm and close to wide open at f/1.4, 1/50 sec, ISO 125.

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