One rainy morning I boarded the monorail with a mission—to shoot every view I could through the monorail's visibly soaked windows. It ended up being a thousand times harder than I expected. The angles were all off. There was usually another human (or five), and one or more strollers, between me and the window. And rain, it seems, does not stick well to the windows of a moving monorail. To get what I was picturing going in, I would have needed a serious downpour.
So maybe I'll go back again soon under more torrential conditions...but for now I did get a number of shots that I loved even though they weren't what I was shooting for (haha) going in, including this one of The Grand across the water with just a smattering of blurry raindrops on the window between me and the view.
Shot at 35mm at 1/50 sec (shocked it's this clear since we were moving) and an aperture of f/16. ISO landed at 160. With more presence of mind I would have increased my shutter speed and trusted a higher ISO but this actually worked out just fine. We can thank that f/16 aperture for the clarity of everything beyond the window. And the raindrops on the window were close enough that they were still blurry even at that aperture.